How to do a powerpoint presentation
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Burger King & Television advertisements for its products
A decent advancement can help in expanding the deals and awful advancements diminish the piece of the pie. The message methodology of Burger King ought to be to make a buzz among the adolescent with keen advertising strategies. The prime quality of Burger King is to give a modified burger, anyway strange it may be. This can be the greatest influence point as various clients may have various requests with not many or nobody to take into account them. They ought not go for the standard advancement, for example, Television ads for its products.Among the adolescent the way of life of staying in contact is by means of webmail. So utilizing this mode would demonstrate increasingly compelling considering the way that young contains the greater purchaser piece. Crispin probably won't have a simple and going great excursion while building up this message and in guaranteeing that purchasers comprehend the message accurately. So as to make buzz Crispin needs to build up a picture for Burger Kin g which represents the young. Thus the message ought to be with the end goal that it doesn't appear to be excessively business and â€Å"uncool.†They have to prevail with regards to amazing the crowd which would make the buzz prompting presentation. Crispin is required to make a message that can ‘gain consideration, hold intrigue, stir want and evoke activity. ’ BK should utilize a representative which speaks to the young and they can without much of a stretch distinguish themselves with MTV characters or people from well known Rock Bands can be utilized as representative for BK as MTV is one of the most watched channels among the adolescent and they additionally love to tune in to Rock Bands.BK ought to spend the cash on an Integrated Advertising Campaign. By not legitimately advancing BK’s item they made a buzz which prompts more advancement than straightforwardly advancing the item which is excessively evident and doesn't advance the intended interest group. Significant spotlight ought to be on webmail and the publicizing ought to be equipped for making a buzz. This would prompt the most extreme infiltration among its objective clients which is the young. Works Cited Page Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Millennium Edition, Pearson Education Publishers, Delhi, 2000
Saturday, August 22, 2020
None of The Above Voting Essay
Nothing unless there are other options or â€Å"against all†vote is planned so as to permit the voter to demonstrate his/her objection to all the up-and-comers in the democratic framework. Political race is tied in with picking the correct applicant, not casting a ballot against or indicating disappointment over a specific gathering. Focuses in Favor-  · Gives genuine significance to majority rule government  · People will have the option to communicate what they really need  · Political gatherings can extend right and clear up-and-comers  · Promotes soul of majority rule government The correct reason for vote based system is to pick a pioneer who is fit to run the voting public. A pioneer must be chosen in the event that he/she is the correct competitor, the choice ought not be one-sided. Here, NOTA is a decent choice since this decision is in every case superior to no democratic. In any event the ideological groups can realize what individuals are searching for and right competitors can be introduced. It would encourage immaculateness and energy of races, and an ever increasing number of individuals will come to cast a ballot so as to communicate whether they are happy with the up-and-comers, the ideological groups speak to. Focuses against NOTA-  · Lack of appropriate instrument  · May prompt wastage of time and cash  · Can likewise prompt re-appointment Regardless of whether 90% of the voters pick NOTA, most of the staying 10% will be the there will be no point for the voters to pick NOTA. Aside from this, it very well may be wastage of time. Assume all the voters pick the NOTA choice, at that point what is purpose of political race? India is a popularity based nation where pioneers are picked based on votes and on the off chance that none of the applicants are chosen, at that point the entire political decision is an exercise in futility. Likewise it can prompt wastage of cash provided that no gathering successes or gets most of votes, re-appointment will be held, requiring a great deal of spending.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
How Does Cigarette Smoke Affect Alveoli in the Lungs
How Does Cigarette Smoke Affect Alveoli in the Lungs Addiction Nicotine Use Smoking-Related Diseases Print How Does Cigarette Smoke Affect Alveoli in the Lungs? By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Sanja Jelic, MD on February 22, 2016 Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine. Learn about our Medical Review Board Sanja Jelic, MD Updated on January 16, 2020 Illustration of alveolar sacs in lungs. Science Picture Co/Collection Mix: Subjects/Getty Images More in Addiction Nicotine Use Smoking-Related Diseases After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Nicotine Withdrawal The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery Alveoli (singular is alveolus) are tiny, delicate air sacs deep within the lungs. They look like little clusters of grapes at the ends of the bronchial branches in the lungs. How Many Alveoli Are in the Lungs? When we inhale, air enters the lungs and travel through passageways to reach 300,000,000 alveoli.?? The size of a single alveolus has an approximate diameter of 200-500 microns, regardless of lung size.?? As a point of reference, one micron is a millionth of a meter. The diameter of a human hair is about 70 microns, so one alveolus would be close to equal the diameter of three human hairs put together. Tiny! Alveoli contain collagen and elastin. Collagen offers firmness to the air sac structure and elastin, bounce. When air is inhaled into the lungs, elastin allows alveoli to expand, and upon exhalation, spring back to their original size. The total surface area of all alveoli in a healthy adult set of lungs is approximately 70 square meters, or 800 square feet (approximately the size of half a tennis court). Function of Alveoli Much of the outside surface area of lung alveoli are covered with tiny capillaries.?? These capillaries and the walls of alveoli share a very thin membrane that allows oxygen from inhaled air to pass through the walls of alveoli and enter the bloodstream via the capillaries. At the same time, carbon dioxide is pushed out in the same way when the air is exhaled. The total amount of surface area available for this gas/blood exchange determines how well a person is able to breathe.?? In a normal healthy adult, there is an abundance of available area for this process. Smokers Lungs vs. Normal Healthy Lungs Cigarette Smoking Over time, the toxins from inhaled cigarette smoke break the thin walls of alveoli, leaving larger, less efficient air sacs. The sacs also begin to lose their bounce, making it harder to bring in the oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.?? Both can become partially trapped in the lungs. In a smoker, this process signals the beginning of emphysema, a form of COPD. The damage from emphysema cannot be reversed. Once air sacs are broken, they do not mend. However, if exposure to cigarette smoke stops soon enough, the damage can be halted. If smoking continues, there will come a point where lung damage will progress regardless of whether a person stops smoking or not. Good Reasons to Stop Smoking Now The lesson here is to stop smoking as soon as you possibly can. Every cigarette you smoke is hurting your body in numerous ways. Cigarette smoke is chock full of chemicals that cause cancer and are poisonous. Some cigarette additives are radioactive and there is evidence that these chemicals leave permanent radioactive deposits in the smokers lungs. Researchers believe this is a contributing factor to the risk of ?lung cancer.?? Once inhaled, cigarette toxins hitch a ride through your bloodstream via the alveoli where they have access to every organ in your body. Its no wonder that cigarette use is linked to so many diseases. There is nothing to recommend smoking. We think we enjoy it, but its an addiction, plain and simple. Practical Tools to Help You Quit Smoking
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Electronic Medical Records Is A Complex Entity
Healthcare is a complex entity that encompasses a variety of specialties necessary toward meeting the needs of patient seeking clinical services. There are multiple communications necessary to efficiently meet patient needs. For many years detailed documentation, progress notes, specialty consults, and physician orders have been hand written. The legibility of this documentation was often illegible, and difficult to decipher, which resulted in clarification orders and often delays. The electronic medical record was introduced approximately 50 years ago with an ultimate goal of compiling healthcare information for immediate and future reference (Keller, 2016). Since the electronic medical records was initially implemented multiple versions have since been created. Successfully implementing the electronic medical record, requires a great deal of research to ensure that the specifications align with the organization’s short and long term goals. Need for Transition As healthcare continues to evolve, it is necessary that care provided is documented efficiently and without error. This documentation should be readily available whenever needed. The electronic health record is a database that provides a reflection of all care provided. This database would be beneficial to healthcare professionals providing care to new and frequent patients. Assessment documentation, physician orders, progress noted, and results review will be beneficial when comparing current assessmentsShow MoreRelatedElectronic Health Records ( Ehr ) And The American Recovery Reinvestment Act1735 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction With the advent of electronic health records (EHR’s) and The American Recovery Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, electronic health records have become main stream and a requirement for healthcare providers who treat Medicaid and Medicare patients. 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Rules and standards evolved from this act provide a way to ensure your protected health information remains confidentialRead MoreEssay Hybrid Health Record1063 Words  | 5 PagesHealth Record Hybrid Health Record Ryan Engle 250129 Western Governor’s University Abstract Management of health records is becoming increasingly complex. I will discuss the management of â€Å"Hybrid†health records, including legal issues. Additionally, I will evaluate a sample record policy for compliance with Washington State Administrative Code, Medicare Conditions of Participation, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability act. Hybrid Health Record Electronic Health Records (EHR)Read MoreTechnology Plan Essay1182 Words  | 5 Pagesinformation by health care providers that bill electronically, health plans, health care clearinghouses and third-party entities that do work for them, but the heart of HIPAA is the privacy rule, with a laudable goal which is to protect the confidentiality of health care information that can identify individuals. The rule limits use or disclosure of patient’s health information by covered entities and others with access to the information. It also gives individuals federal rights with respect to their patientsRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Healthcare813 Words  | 4 Pagesdevelopment of electronic health records (EHR) history began within about the last 50 years with acceleration taking place since the January 2009 passage of Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), which was over a 30 billion dollar healthcare delivery EHR transformation. 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The intention of the EHR system is to extend health information technology into the realm of patientRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health1283 Words  | 6 PagesRecovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology (Mangalmurti, Murtagh and Mello 2060). The HITECH Act authorizes grants and incentives to promote the â€Å"meaningful use†of electronic health records (EHR) by providers (2060). The effect is a high commitment to a technology-led system reform, urging a renewed national commitment to building an informati on infrastructure to support health care delivery, consumer health, quality measurementRead MoreHow Has Public Health Healthcare Improved Public Healthcare Services For Americans Over The Last Two Decades?1122 Words  | 5 Pagesattacks for inside and outside the official public health agency. The main focus on receiving data is currently available in electronic form and most commonly used in the healthcare system. The evolution of the medical industry is rapidly changing due to change in healthcare. Medicare and Medicaid recipients are one of the majorities of being moved to manage care and in this entity there will have to be some improvements made. Over the past two decades, there have been paramount changes but with the growingRead MoreThe Electronic Health Record And The Movement Toward The Digital Age1716 Words  | 7 PagesThe advancement of the electronic health record and the movement toward the digital age compelled policies, procedures, and standardizations to impr ove quality, safety and efficiency of the electronic health record, as well as reduce disparities of patient data of the positive HIV population. The course outcomes that my paper will address are the rules and regulations regarding privacy, confidentiality, and compliance with special attention to the HIPAA Privacy and Security rules on our local,Read MoreClinical Decision Support For Best Practice1096 Words  | 5 Pagesinterview with an Assistant Professor at Duke University Health System in the Department of Medicine, Maestro Care Provider Champion and Clinical Content Architect. This physician works to incorporate clinical decision support tools into the electronic health record at Duke Health System. He manages the best practice advisory committee that may provide a way to deploy alerts to clinicians at the point of care. Alerts with order sets and recommended actions are created and updated to notify providers
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Romantic Phrases for Dating in Italian
You’re drinking a glass of vino rosso during aperitivo as you talk to your friends, and then someone catches your eye. There’s an Italian that you can’t keep your eyes off of, and this person notices you, too. Eventually, you two start chatting and make plans to meet again another time at the same aperitivo. That date leads to another and another until you find that you’re head over heels for this person. If you’re in the midst of something like that or you want to be prepared just in case it happens, below you’ll find both romantic and practical phrases for dating in Italian. If you finish this list of phrases and still want more, check out this one of 100 Ways to Say I Love You. Phrases for Spending Time Together Dovremmo uscire solo noi due qualche volta. - We should go out just us two sometime.Sei libero/a stasera? - Are you free tonight?Perchà © non ci vediamo di nuovo? - Why don’t we meet again? TIP: If you’re talking to a female, you’ll use the -a ending, and if you’re talking to a male, you’ll use the -o ending. Click here to learn more about gender agreement. A che ora? - What time?Ci vediamo allora. - I’ll see you then.Qual à ¨ il tuo numero di telefono? - What’s your phone number?Ti va di prendere un aperitivo? - Do you want to get an aperitivo?Posso invitarti a cena? - Can I invite you to dinner?Ti va di venire a cena con me? - Would you mind having dinner with me?Passo a prenderti alle (9). - I’ll pick you up at 9. If you’re unfamiliar with how to tell the time, click here. TIP: If you’re a male, you’ll use the -o ending, and if you’re a female, you’ll use the -a ending. Ho trascorso una splendida giornata con te. - I spent a wonderful day with you.Grazie per la bella serata! - Thanks for the great night!Quando posso rivederti? - When can I see you again?Cosa prendi? - What do you want to drink?Offro io. - I’m paying.Mi piaci tantissimo / Mi piaci davvero tanto. - I like you so much.Vuoi diventare la mia ragazza? - Do you want to be my girlfriend?Baciami. - Kiss me.Abbracciami. - Hug me. Phrases to Use When You’re Apart Mi manchi. - I miss you.Ti amo, piccola. - I love you baby.Ti voglio bene, mia adorata. - I love you, my dear. There are two ways to say â€Å"I love you†in Italian. This one is the less serious version. You can learn more about the differences between â€Å"ti amo†and â€Å"ti voglio bene†here. Also, both of the pet names used above are being used for talking to a female. Mi à ¨ bastato uno sguardo per capire che tu fossi la mia metà della mela. - One look was all it took to know that you were my soulmate. (Literally: It only took one look to understand that you were the half of my apple.)Sei la mia anima gemella. - You’re my soulmate. (Literally: You’re my twin soul.)Vorrei poterti baciare proprio ora. - I wish I could kiss you right now.Sono cosà ¬ contento/a che ci siamo incontrati. - I’m so glad we met.Buongiorno bellissima / principessa. - Good morning beautiful / princess.Non sei come gli altri. - You’re not like others.Sei affascinante. - You’re fascinating / charming.Voglio godermi ogni attimo con te. - I want to savor every moment with you.Sento qualcosa di forte per te. - I have strong feelings for you.Avrei voluto restassi con me. - I would have liked for you to stay with me.Mi hai colpito subito. - You caught my eye right away. / You made an impression on me right away. ​To learn how to form sentences like the ones above with fossi and restassi, click here to learn about the imperfect subjunctive mood.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diamond Necklace Free Essays
â€Å"Maupassant uses the symbol of the necklace to represent various stations in Victorian society. However, this theme may be lost to readers that are not versed in Victorian culture. In the story, the necklace is more than an object of desire. We will write a custom essay sample on Diamond Necklace or any similar topic only for you Order Now It symbolizes something that is out of reach for the heroine of the story. It is used to explain the pitfalls of what can happen when desire overrides all other elements of one’s life. However, the necklace also has another meaning that is often overlooked. â€Å"One will recall that there are two necklaces in the story. The first one is the more expensive one. It represents the true upper class of society, those that can truly afford to possess such an object. Madame Forestier feels comfortable allowing Madame Loisel to borrow the necklace. She is not afraid to let go of it. This suggests that her life savings are not tied up in it. She does not guard it so carefully that she is unwilling to let it out of her sight. She is comfortable taking a small risk with it. â€Å"However, Madame Forestier is less than amicable when the necklace is returned a week late. This indicates that although, she was not devastated by the loss of the necklace, it still held a considerable value to her. Her reactions indicate that it was still an uncomfortable loss and held some value in her life. To the wealthy, class of Victorian France, their finery was s symbol of not only their wealth, but their power in society as well. This necklace was important to Madame Forestier as a symbol of her station in French society. We do not know how many pieces such as this that she owned, but this may have been an important piece to her. â€Å" How to cite Diamond Necklace, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Competitor Analysis of Dahlie free essay sample
The two of the main competitors of Darlie in the market are Sensodyne and Colgate. As the world largest producer and manufacturer of toothpaste, Colgate becomes the greatest competitor of Darlie. Colgate has survived in this industry for such a long time and has established its influence among the customers. It has successfully making the customers to have brand loyalty toward Colgate. Besides that, Colgate has different types of toothpaste, which can satisfy different needs of the customers. This has fulfilled the needs and wants of the customers and directly competes with Darlie as the product range of Colgate and Darlie are quite similar. Nowadays, a lot of people are facing different types of teeth problems, such as sensitive teeth, gum disease and tooth decay. Therefore, they tend to buy the toothpaste which can help them to solve their teeth problems. Sensodyne is focusing on solving sensitive teeth problem and is recommended by dentist to be used. We will write a custom essay sample on Competitor Analysis of Dahlie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It has shaped the brand image of Sensodyne to become professional and high class toothpaste. Therefore, although Darlie also has their own sensitive teeth toothpaste, people still prefer Sensodyne as the look for the brand image. Therefore, Colgate and Sensodyne become two of the main competitors for Darlie in Malaysia toothpaste market. Comparison of Colgate and Its Competitors Darlie Colgate Sensodyne Market share in Malaysia In 2011, Darlie’s market share is 31%. In 2011, Colgate’s market share is 60%. In 2011, Sensodyne’s market share is 5%. Target customer Their target customers are those urban people who are above 18 years old, and pay attention to their oral health. The target customer is mothers with kids who make toothpaste buying decisions for the family and people who care for their oral health. The target customer is the adults from 20 to 60 years old who faced sensitive teeth problem. Promotion Using websites, advertisements and TV commercial to advertise. Having promotions in supermarket. Using website, advertisement, and TV commercial to advertise. Having some promotions by giving free gifts. Colgate School Program: give out free samples to kids and teach kids the way to brush teeth properly. Bright Smile, Bright Future program: promote the importance of oral health through education and prevention. Using websites, various advertisements and TV commercial to attract customers. Promotion through dentist and dental clinic. â€Å"Chill Test†in hypermarket. Price The price range of Colgate is between RM7. 95 to RM10. 60. The most expensive toothpaste is Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief. The cheapest toothpaste is the Colgate Regular tube. The price range of Sensodyne toothpaste is from RM9. Product Having different range and types of toothpaste. For instance, fresh breath, whitening, sensitive teeth and enamel protection. Specializing in the preservation and treatment of oral hygiene. Create an array of 40 different patented toothpastes keeping Colgate competitive. Having 13 different classifications and varieties of Colgate toothpaste. Consists of different types of toothpaste, but mainly focuses on the sensitive teeth issue. Place Almost at all supermarket and mini market. Very convenience to buy it. Almost all super markets and pharmacies carry Colgate Toothpaste. Can sometimes be found in more prominent locations when on sale or launching new products into the market. Distributed indirectly. Available in all hypermarkets, supermarkets and pharmacies, Chinese medical halls and mini markets in Malaysia. Length of time in business Darlie started its business since 1933. It has taken 80 years in the toothpaste industry. Colgate-Palmolive started its business in 1806. It has taken 207 years in the toothpaste industry. GSK produced Sensodyne in 1961. It has taken 52 years in the toothpaste market.
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